To index your site on Google

That is a personal website or a blog on WordPress, if Google doesn’t know us never get outside in its search results

Today we know Google as a provider of so many services that is lacking a little in forgetting that in reality it is a search engine. In fact, it is by many considered as the internet itself, as it allows you to find the materials, handles mail, it offers office suite, allows you to find places, allows you to virtually do everything.

The point is that Google allows you to find everything that he knows that exists. This means that if you have a blog, and Google does not know that you exist, is it so unlikely that you will succeed to appear in the search results.

Google offers a very powerful tool that is used to communicate all updates to our blog, so give him the possibility to receive a notification each time we publish something, and let him process it for inclusion in the search engine.

We are talking about the Webmaster Tool, a portal that can read the sitemap of your site to index all of our news.

In order to use it we need to

  • A Google account
  • The sitemap of our blog (in the case of WordPress, in the case of Blogger)
  • FTP access to our site

We set the index of our blog on Google

  • We reach out to the Webmaster Tool of Google and we login with our Google account
  • You will be asked to add a new property in the case of a new use of the service
  • In the area URL Prefix we are going to enter the domain of our blog that we want to index
  • You will be asked to download a file validation in html format, we will have to go to upload via FTP to the root of our domain
  • After you have uploaded the verification file, and then click on CHECK
  • At this point, a property that has been added and verified, we have to go to indicate to the Google Search Console the location of the file sitemap.xml to which it must refer, and leave it to work alone

It is to be noted that for each site, you need to create a property, and for each property it is possible to upload multiple sitemaps, this is in case we have more services like a blog, a forum, etc…

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